Unveiling the Sweet Craving: Why Do Alcoholics Crave Sugar?

Maintaining a healthy nutritional lifestyle is considered a form of self-care and can positively impact one’s sobriety 2. Understanding the transition of cravings in recovery is crucial for individuals seeking to maintain their sobriety and overall health. As individuals in recovery from alcohol addiction progress through their journey, the nature of their cravings can shift. …

What is a Sober Living Network and Is it Right for Me?

The establishment and upkeep of healthy boundaries are fundamental to leading a sober lifestyle. Boundaries define the limits and guidelines that individuals establish to safeguard their recovery and promote their overall well-being. For effective communication with your mental health professional, maintaining an open, honest dialogue and clearly expressing your feelings and fears is necessary. Rebuilding …

What is Fentanyl? National Institute on Drug Abuse NIDA

And in Colorado, naloxone can be obtained without a prescription from a pharmacy. And any patient or family member or friend who has someone in their life who may be suffering from opiate misuse disorder or uses high doses of opiates should have that medication just in case there is an emergency. Chronic and prolonged …

Why Do I Sneeze When I Drink Alcohol?

Alcohol contains some of these allergens either as preservatives or as ingredients causing you to sneeze while you drink. If you feel ill after drinking alcohol but don’t experience symptoms at any other time, it’s possible that you have an alcohol intolerance. Sulfites are preservatives, and most countries permit their addition to alcoholic drinks such …

What Is a Sober Living Home & How Can It Help?

Through various generous donations, we’re able to offer financial aid to many of our clients, as well. Find out more about the services we can provide to support you or your loved one’s walk toward https://ecosoberhouse.com/ recovery by clicking below. Think of the long-term implications of not following through with your recovery, and also think …

Sugar Cravings after Quitting Alcohol: 10 Dietitian-Approved Tips

Some heavy drinkers may also experience “cross-tolerance” between alcohol and sugar. Cross-tolerance means that someone who is dependent on one addictive substance https://ecosoberhouse.com/ may also have higher tolerance for another. This can make it easier to become dependent on that other substance—such as replacing alcohol with sugar. Opioid Addiction Treatment Here’s the scientific rationale for …

Real-Life Addiction Recovery Success Stories: Inspiring Journeys to Sobriety Northern California Rehab

After six years, I was becoming dissatisfied with work because I didn’t feel I had adequate support from my group or the hospital. After a brief job search, certainly hindered by my alcohol consumption, I returned to the large academic practice where I trained. As I quit drinking and delved into my newfound hobbies, I …

Dealing with Loneliness in Recovery

Discover strategies for building awareness and mindfulness practices to manage emotions, helping you recognize triggers and establish a stronger self-awareness in your sobriety journey. At Great Oaks Recovery Center outside of Houston, Texas, we offer both vibrant alumni programs and the CaredFor app to keep you in touch with people as dedicated to sobriety as …

Using Alcohol to Relieve Your Pain: What Are the Risks? National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism NIAAA

However, drinking alcohol, especially heavily and over a long period of time, can actually increase your anxiety. It is also noteworthy to mention that the gender differences in burnout have been also researched in the past decades. Several studies suggested that women are more likely to experience burnout compared to men 6, 27, 28. Few …

Son of musician Stills injured

Since 1996, he has been married to producer and activist Kristen Stills. Between all of his partnerships, Stephen Stills is the father of four children and one daughter. Stephen has gone through every stage of his personal life, including marriage, divorce, having children, and partnerships. Just his first two self-titled albums brought in about $1.5 …